tj mclaughlin
3 min readApr 16, 2022
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With each and every precinct, town, village, community having at their disposal whatever resources necessary for their ongoing welfare the foundation of a social body would be secured and this would ensure the overall health and welfare of the entire society.

Political parties would have no place in such a system and government would not be for the excessively ambitious seeking wealth, power and their own aggrandizement.

Each and every locality would sort out who among them would be best qualified to form their local government. A county government would be designated and formed by representatives from each locality comprising the county.

Basically we see a social body made up of a network of autonomous communities forming from within themselves all the political, social and economic organs needed for their own particular situations while at the same time creating out of themselves the larger body politic in which they would all be incorporated.

Communities, then, would function as centers unto themselves with respect to their associations with other communities as well as to the society at large. Again, he communities would form out of themselves a county government made up of elected representatives from each community.

This same process would be repeated at the county terminal with counties networking to form a state apparatus, and so on and so forth for regional and national terminals of government. So, the microcosm forms the macrocosm congruous to the contours of the microcosm and therefore prevents the macrocosm from becoming something alien to the microcosm.

Local areas can best determine for themselves how to create and maintain their environments for maximum sustainability. And would be free to do so.

Local areas could network among themselves, with benefit from a county perspective, to determine how best to utilize certain areas for optimum sustainability of the whole county.

Certain areas might be positioned to best produce wind energy and others solar energy. Some might produce both. There might be areas conducive for hydro or thermal energy. Coastal areas could also exploit wave energy.

There could be some areas where properly maintained natural or constructed wetlands for sewage treatment would be feasible.

In short there would be a concerted effort to maintain optimal environmental sustainability throughout the microcosm and thus the whole country and eventually, as a world revolution, the whole planet, thinking globally acting locally.

All government terminals, in real-time communication with one another, could contribute what timely input each had to offer from their particular vantage point in regard to a given situation and decide among themselves how best to handle it.

Generally speaking, it would be incumbent upon localities to resolve their own problems. When this would not be possible, however, the matter would be relegated to the proximate terminal and so on until some satisfactory solution was formulated. Lines of authority would not be altogether fixed but would be commensurate to the value of the input one had to offer in an ongoing process of checks and balances throughout the system.

So, if a problem were irreconcilable at a locality, authority would be given to the next level terminal to impose a solution. However, if and when the parties involved at the locality agreed to abide by a different solution arrived at among themselves, which they found preferable to the one imposed upon them by the county or other government terminal, then the imposed solution could be overturned in favor of the local agreement.

This kind of system would give communities better representation and allow for programs and policies to be as fine-tuned as possible to particular situations.